Sponsorship Categories and Information for the World War II Legacy Foundation
All annual donations/sponsorships can be cumulative to designate a final category level of sponsorship.
Please consider becoming a sponsor, it will help us achieve our mission.
$ 100 - $ 249 Annually
You will be mentioned in our Annual September Commemorative Booklet.
$ 250 - $ 499 Annually
Listing on our website as a sponsor.
You will be mentioned in our Annual September Commemorative Booklet.
$ 500 - $ 999 Annually
Listing on our website as a sponsor.
You will be mentioned in our Annual September Commemorative Booklet.
One complimentary meal ticket to the Annual September Banquet Luncheon.
$ 1,000 - $ 1,999 Annually
Listing on our website as a sponsor.
You will be mentioned in our Annual September Commemorative Booklet.
Quarter size ad in our Annual September Commemorative Booklet.
One complimentary meal ticket to the Annual September Banquet Luncheon.
$ 2,000 - $ 2,999 Annually
Listing on our website as a sponsor.
You will be mentioned in our Annual September Commemorative Booklet.
Half Page size ad in our Annual September Commemorative Booklet.
Two complimentary meal tickets to the Annual September Banquet Luncheon.
$3,000 or more Annually
Listing on our website as a sponsor.
You will be mentioned in our Annual September Commemorative Booklet.
Full Page size ad in our Commemorative Booklet.
Two complimentary meal tickets to the Annual September Banquet Luncheon.

Become a Sponsor of the World War II Legacy Foundation, Inc.
Sponsorship Submission Form
Please take note of the following:
Please fill out this form and submit to become a sponsor of the World War II Legacy Foundation, Inc.
If you make more than one donation during the year, your yearly total will determine which final category you qualify for and what benefits you are entitled to.
We offer complimentary meal ticket(s) to our Commemoration of the End of World War II Annual Banquet for certain levels of sponsorship. Please see categories described above.
Items marked by * are required fields of information.
We kindly ask that you submit payment by check made out to "World War II Legacy Foundation, Inc.". Indicate "sponsorship" in the memo.
If you prefer to pay by PayPal, debit, or credit card, please use button below.
Mail to:
World War II Legacy Foundation, Inc.
c/o Gary Roy
61 Matthew Road
East Hartford, CT 06108
We thank you for supporting our Mission.